Welcome to

The Quest of Our Lives

A PJO Yearbook Zine

Current Phase: Closed!


The Quest of Our Lives

With the TV show coming up, the Percy Jackson franchise is turning the page on a new chapter in its life. PJO Yearbook Zine aims to evoke the nostalgia and childhood memories many of us have built around this series over time, and dive headfirst into the excitement and anticipation of something new on the horizon!



Dates are subject to change based on mods' discretion.

Jan 28Interest Check Opens
Feb 28Interest Check Closes
March 5thApplications Open
April 5thApplications Close
April 10thResults Sent
April 20thPitches Due
May 15thCheck-in 1 — 25% Complete
June 10thCheck-in 2 — 50% Complete
July 5thCheck-in 3 — 75% Complete
July 20thFinal Submissions — 100% Complete
AugustPreorders Open!

Contributor Guidelines

Please ensure that there are no boundaries that will prevent the mod team from viewing your application submissions. Samples should not be restricted (such as posted on a private account, behind a paywall, etc.) — please double check all privacy settings before submitting your application. All links should be active & shared with the mods.
⁕ HINT: Check your links by opening them in an Incognito tab or sharing them with a friend!
For Google Drive: please ensure that the “anyone on the internet with the link can view” setting is enabled. Please double check all submitted links are correct & as final as possible — while you may update your application, we cannot guarantee that mods will review the updates. Any NSFW or gory content should be kept in a separate section of your portfolio & warned for appropriately in the application.


For more information about Writer Contributor Requirements, follow the link below!

Page/Spot Artists

For more information about Page Artist and Spot Artist Contributor Requirments, follow the links below!

Merch Artists

For more information about Merch Artist Contributor Requirments, follow the links below!

Meet our


Take a look at the editorial staff behind the Percy Jackson Yearbook!


Editor in Chief(Aka Finance, Co-Production, & Writing Mod)

Hi, I'm Notte!! I've loved PJO for over a decade, and this project is my absolute baby — I hope you love it as much as I do!!


Distribution Manager(AKA Shipping Mod)

Hey! I'm Téa and I'm a writer, artist, and the proud owner of one of the Riptide prop pens from the musical. I've been a fan of Percy Jackson since I was in first grade and have been in the fandom for over a decade.


Layout Editor(AKA Formatting & Co-Production Mod)

It's your friendly neighborhood Neems! I am in love with all things macabre and Percy Jackson.


Business Manager(aka Production Assistant Mod)

Hi I’m Cym and I will always be sad the Greeks didn’t have any feline deities like the Egyptians did >:(


Advertising Manager(AKA Social Media Mod)

Writer, Programmer, Poet, Musician, and excited to be here!


Lead Designer(AKA Graphics Mod)

HI I'm Beena and I'm happy to be here making shiny pictures ❤️
I haven't actually seen a yearbook before so this should be fun